Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Growing Mushrooms in the Pantry

I love mushrooms and most of my little cherubs do to. The offerings in the local supermarket tend to be at the end of their cycle and turn dried out and withered before you can top a pizza. So I was delighted when Michelle came back from a hardware store with a mushroom kit.
It seemed simple enough to mix the two packets together and put in a cool dark place for a while. The instructions stated that the compost needed to be kept moist. It is hard to know exactly how much water to apply but I give it a squirt with the same bottle I moisten the seedlings. Fitting it into a routine helps make sure I don't forget the box in the darkest corner of the pantry. Clean dishes... wipe surfaces...water seedlings... squirt the mushrooms.
For about five weeks nothing much happened. Then a little ball appeared which grew into a tasty mushroom. Since then sporadic burst of fungus have appeared and been devoured. Long may it last. 

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